“I'm tired of the Actors' Studio bullshit that has ruined movies for 40 years. All these guys running around pretending they are turnips or whatever the hell they do. You just play the character as he really is. As a loudmouth, blowhard, coward, shithead. You know, it's OK to be just who the guy is.”
-James Woods in response to a question about his process of acting and acting in general.
Who better to start with than James Woods. James has graced the sliver screen for nearly three decades. He’s played everything. Murderous lunatics (The Onion Field), cowardly unstable drug addicts (Casino, The Boost), badass heroes (Cop, John Carpenter’s Vampires), the wimpy everyman pushed to the edge (Next Door*) and that’s only a few roles in his impressive catalog of roles.
Woods didn’t always want to be an actor. He in fact originally intended on becoming a fighter pilot! It’s true.
“Woods, an army brat, had been accepted to attend the United States Air Force Academy with the intention of becoming a fighter pilot. But, several weeks before he was to depart, Woods suffered an accident involving a plate glass window which injured his hand tendons severely enough to result in his acceptance being retracted.”- taken from Wikipedia.
I want to know what happened with the plate glass window. Did he ram his fist through it in a fit of rage? Did it fall on him? What? Anyway check out his brain power:
"Woods received a score of 1580 on the SAT, which included a perfect score of 800 on the verbal section of the test.[3] He chose to pursue his undergraduate studies at MIT, where he majored in political science (though he originally planned on a career as a surgeon). While at MIT, Woods pledged to Theta Delta Chi Fraternity. Woods reportedly has an I.Q. of 180 or 184 (Stanford-Binet) and is a member of Mensa " -taken from Wikipedia.
He’s also courted around numerous Hollywood starlets. Dana Delany, Sean Young, Teri Hatcher, Heather Graham, Nicolette Sheridan, Lauren Holly. Sean Young reportedly stalked Woods after he ended their relationship. She couldn’t get enough.
Another tidbit about this man. While on a flight to California 5 months prior to 9/11 woods witnessed and reported suspicious behavior coming a from a few passengers. It turns out they were terrorists doing a practice run. "I took it upon myself to go to the flight attendant and asked to speak to the pilot of the plane," Woods said. "The first officer came out. I reported to him that I felt that these four men ... I said, 'I think they're going to hijack this plane.' Since then I have identified for sure two of them [on my flight] as two of the terrorists who actually were not on Flight 11, but one was on Flight 175 and one was on Flight 77."
It's true! Look it up.
And what does James Woods fear about our future?
"My nightmare in life, my absolute fundamental, overwhelming, egregious nightmare, is Bill Gates' vision of the future, where there will be a video camera on every corner and every conversation will be recorded. Man, I'd rather put a pitchfork in my eyes than live in a world like that." - taken from IMDB quotes.
Is that really Bill Gates' "vision"? Judging from Woods' impressive brain muscles and terrorists spotting skills maybe it is.
Now, down to business. Acne scars! Where to slap Woods on a scale from 1 to 5. None of James' scars are deep. However he is thoroughly peppered with tiny visible indents. I really want to rate him as a 3 just because he is truly a colorful person, but I think I'd have to honestly place him at 2.5 on the acne scar scale. His face has the skin of a worn football or basketball perhaps. That may be too harsh but think of any leather surface with tiny little pinpricks (or pitchfork pricks) and you got Woods' face. How does it enhance his appearance on screen? Greatly. That's how much.
Check out this scene from the film "Cop" (Spoiler Alert! it's the last scene of the film)
*'Next Door' is a great movie that I think was made for Showtime sometime in the 90s. Woods plays a wimpy school teacher who is bullied by Randy Quiad who I wish had acne scars but I have no evidence that he does or else he would be included here.
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