"Everybody that knows me now that used to know me back in the day says that I was just so intense , but when you're carrying a .44 Magnum I guess you do become pretty intense."*
I am willing to bet that Danny Trejo's penis has acne scars, and a mustache. Danny Trejo is probably one of the most distinguishable movie villains in the biz. He has about 150 movies under his belt and also many television appearances. It seems, in recent history; he usually appears in about 5 to 10 movies a year. Mostly playing a biker and or a convict. When he arrives on screen his presence is not ignored. Impossible to ignore! His face is a layered beautiful masterpiece of hardness, darkness, danger and pain! He can appear to be a hulking mass of anger. A raging testosterone bomb ready to run eagerly through a daily errand list of raping your mother, kicking a dog into a wall, choke slamming mugs, and standing close to large explosions. Or he can appear to be a quiet, world weary warrior, both wise and humble, ready to guide you out of rough predicaments. For example, he may get you out of a prison rape situation. Then again he may be the conductor of your brutal prison rape. It depends on what movie he is in.
"A lot of times I don't even know the names of them. I just show up. From 1985, when I first started, to 1990, I did a shitload of B-movies about prisons. They would always say, 'Get that Mexican guy with the big tattoo.' I'd show up and I'd have one line, like, 'Kill 'em all!' or somethin'."*
Danny didn't always want to be an actor. No. Danny started out as a promising boxer. This dream was eclipsed however by a long prison sentence. Actually a few prison sentences. During most of his youth, when he was not boxing, his hobbies were drug dealing, drug addiction, and armed robbery. I doubt he pursued these endeavors thinking it was “cool”. He most likely viewed these fields of work as his only way to get ahead. Growing up in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, Danny was a son of a construction worker. “The only things that were available to me were either be a laborer or be a drug dealer. So I became an armed robber. It was a lot simpler." *
A large portion of Danny’s youth was spent in prison. Tracy (1963-65), San Quentin (1965-68), Soledad (1968-69). And while in San Quentin he became the California state prison boxing champion in both light weight and welter weight divisions. He also began to turn his life around. Once being dedicated to one side of the extreme he began to move to other side and became a dedicated mentor and speaker to those trying to get out of the criminal life. He is now a husband, father of three, and a steady working actor. He often says that he chooses criminal roles to show kids what happens to people wrapped up in the criminal lifestyle. This is apparent in his films as most of his characters get killed. This is beautifully illustrated in here: (youtube video).
Trejo doesn’t seem to be overly preoccupied with his hard ass actor image, but he does seem to have a low tolerance of actors who get wrapped up in their characters. “I've seen guys take this stuff way too seriously. I've had to pull a couple of them aside and say, 'Listen, I will beat you to death , I don't know who you think you're talking to.' They go, 'But I'm in character!' And I say, 'Well, your character's about to get his ass beat.” *
Okay, face rating time. Danny is seriously scarred. In any close up picture of Danny there are large amounts of deep circular indents. The screaming ghosts of past boils and pimples! I imagine that the puss from a Danny Trejo zit could melt through metal or possibly spawn into a tiny demon. I am rating him a 4 on the AWAS scale of 1 to 5. I would go fully to 5 but I am taking into consideration that a lot of these scars are probably the result of boxing, wrestling and destroying grizzly bears or getting shot in the face.
Here’s a Czech Commercial starring Danny. I don’t know what’s being said but I think he raped that guy then stole his car.
*Quotes taken from an interview in The Guardian with Damon Wise. Read it by clicking here.
Other info gathered from Wiki and IMDB
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I know his face is pretty bad, but there is something very alluring g about him still. Very sexy. The characters he portrays anyways.
You're a broken piece of shit for saying such awful things about someone. Your heart is ugly.
Don't be so sensitive. Danny thinks it's funny.
Bro do you have a rape kink of some sort you sick fuck..
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